Japan Adopts Metaverse for Recruitment
Metaverse technology is beginning to transform the job search and hiring landscape in Japan. Over 2,000 students attended the Metaverse Job Fair where they were able to use digital avatars to interact with recruiters and explore the potential of each available job opening.
According to the Asahi Shimbun, the anonymity of the Metaverse allowed participants to ask questions about confidential matters related to these job openings. 179 companies participated in this project sponsored by Neo Career Co., Ltd., which is in charge of administrative activities, and X Co., Ltd., which is in charge of Metaverse-related work.

The company indicated that this is probably one of the largest events of its kind in Japan, and also highlighted the benefits the Metaverse brings to those hiring processes. Taiki Nishino of Neo Career stated:
The metaverse enables both the use of virtual gatherings where students from far-off places can participate and the preservation of the spontaneity of meeting and speaking that occurs at in-person job fairs.
Future of the Metaverse: Digital presence
Some were pessimistic about the use of metaverse tools in conferences, while others were supportive of the impact this technology would have on the field. Satya Nadella, CEO of software company Microsoft, praised the technology in these initiatives. In a recent meeting with Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), he said he believed the presence the Metaverse app brought to the table was “groundbreaking.”
The company has worked with the WEF to build an initiative called Global Collaboration Village. It aims to use Metaverse technology to make the Davos meeting permanent so that leaders can communicate all year long.
Japan’s other institutions are already allowing citizens to create a digital presence by utilising metaverse technology.As an illustration, Toda City declared in October that it was implementing metaverse capabilities to allow students to receive classes from home as a plan to reduce school absences.The University of Tokyo declared in July that it would teach students about the metaverse and its functioning while also providing engineering courses using tools from the metaverse.