The dynamic work of art, which depicts Vitalik Buterin dressed as a harlequin, is modified every day in response to news from the outside world.
On Tuesday, a new version of EthBoy, the non-fungible token (NFT) depicting Vitalik Buterin wearing a harlequin attire, will be released in honour of the Ethereum co- founder’s birthday.

The fourth iteration of the generative artwork created in the manner of Pablo Picasso’s “Paul as Harlequin” is being made available by Trevor Jones, the creator of the NFT collection. The most recent animated version, TRANSCEND, was created in association with Grammy Award-winning DJ Sasha and will be on display on London’s Oxford Street.
NFT is part of a larger collection titled ETHEREAL, and Jones has teamed up with artist Allotta Money and DJ Don Diablo to use the NFT platform’s Async Art publish every six months for the next five years. I’m creating a new Ethboy iteration.
Async Art allows creators to create digital art that changes over time and responds to external data and stimuli. Each day, the picture changes based on factors such as Ethereum price, grid gas prices, and more. The latest one-off issue celebrates Buterin’s birthday on January 31st. In a press release, Mr. Jones said the purpose of the collection was to create a story about Mr. Buterin’s life.
“Many in the Web3 community think in terms of months rather than years, so this five-year joint project of his will undoubtedly be a historic work of art, and for his 10 collectors and partners involved. It will be the holy grail of the world,” said Jones.
Jones told CoinDesk that since the collection’s first chapter was released, the NFT space has gone through many changes, including horrific market conditions and emerging digital art trends.
Although there is still a market for 1/1 art and artists, Jones noted that “AI and generative art have been a major topic in the previous year” and “open editions have made a huge reappearance just recently.” Of sure, the demise of FTX had an effect, but the NFT art world is still alive and interesting.
In 2020, Jones collaborated with the artist Alotta Money to produce the first edition of EthBoy, which was auctioned for 260 ETH, which was then equivalent to $141,536.